Ron & Diane Varley 290

Denison, United States
We are Ron & Diane Varley, have been married over 50 years and have had the great fortune to travel extensively, mostly due to the fact that Ron served over 24 years in the Air Force and then was a commercial pilot for 12 years. We have lived together in New Mexico, Texas (Diane born there, Ron emigrated there from Illinois), Nebraska, Louisiana, Germany, California, Hawaii and back to Texas for retirement. Ron has been involved in photography as an interest and subsequent hobby since age 8. His first camera was a Kodak Hawkeye Brownie. This was followed by a couple other point and shoot film cameras, such as the Kodak Instamatic. Ron’s Dad was instrumental in getting him interested in photography and he learned how to develop black & white photos in a home darkroom, his dad would set up in the bathroom. Ron bought his first 35mm SLR, while stationed in Vietnam and learned how to develop slide transparencies at the base photo hobby shop. Diane’s interest in photography started in her early (pre-children) years of marriage, and it was evident she had a natural eye for composition. This natural ability runs in her family as her Dad painted landscapes as a hobby and her younger sister is an accomplished artist and works as a Graphic Designer. With this kind of background we found the move to the digital medium a natural. Most of our photography over the years has been family pictures and vacation related photography. These photos were then organized into albums by Diane. When we switched to point and shoot digital, the album routine gave way to slide shows put to music and burned on a DVD. Since acquiring DSLR cameras, we have started printing our own photos and sharing them with family and friends. Additionally, we have started having some images printed using a dye-infused metal imaging process, talk about Remarkable Digital Views, these are absolutely stunning. If you are passionate about color, you will be thrilled with the radiance of this printing technology.


Jules RenahanTeam 18938

60 spots 292 images